Texas REALTORS® has proposed new forms and revisions to many existing commercial, residential, and farm & ranch forms. You are encouraged to review them and submit comments until Friday, May 6.
Proposed Form Revisions
Below are the forms with proposed revisions. You can view the redlines and submit comments until May 6 on the Proposed Form Revisions page at shandongzhongyu.com.
- TXR 1101 Residential Real Estate Listing Agreement – Exclusive Right to Sell
- TXR 1102 Residential Real Estate Listing Agreement – Exclusive Right to Lease
- TXR 1201 Farm and Ranch Real Estate Listing Agreement – Exclusive Right to Sell
- TXR 1301 Commercial Real Estate Listing Agreement – Exclusive Right to Sell
- TXR 1302 Commercial Real Estate Listing Agreement – Exclusive Right to Lease
- TXR 1303 Commercial Real Estate Listing Agreement – Exclusive Right to Sublease
- TXR 1406 Seller’s Disclosure Notice
- TXR 1408 Commercial Property Condition Statement
- TXR 1501 Residential Buyer/Tenant Representation Agreement
- TXR 1502 Commercial Buyer/Tenant Representation Agreement
- TXR 1608 New Residential Condominium Contract (Complete Construction)
- TXR 1609 New Residential Condominium Contract (Incomplete Construction)
- TXR 1801 Commercial Contract – Improved Property
- TXR 1802 Commercial Contract – Unimproved Property
- TXR 1803 Commercial Letter of Intent to Purchase
- TXR 1925 Buyer’s Walk-Through and Acceptance Form
- TXR 1935 Seller’s Estimated Net Proceeds
- TXR 1936 Approximation of Buyer’s Closing Costs
- TXR 1932 Commercial Contract Amendment
- TXR 1942 Commercial Contract Critical Date List
- TXR 2001 Residential Lease
- TXR 2003 Residential Lease Application
- TXR 2004 Pet Agreement
- TXR 2011 Residential Lease for a Multi-Family Property Unit
- TXR 2014 Residential Lease Amendment
- TXR 2101 Commercial Lease
- TXR 2102 Commercial Lease Addendum for Broker’s Fee
- TXR 2104 Commercial Lease Addendum for Extension of Term
- TXR 2105 Commercial Lease Right of First Refusal Addendum
- TXR 2106 Commercial Lease Addendum for Percentage Rent
- TXR 2107 Commercial Lease Addendum for Parking
- TXR 2110 Commercial Lease Addendum for Optional Space
- TXR 2114 Commercial Lease Amendment
- TXR 2116 Commercial Sublease
- TXR 2117 Commercial Landlord’s Consent to Sublease
- TXR 2120 Commercial Lease Application
- TXR 2122 Commercial Letter of Intent to Lease
- TXR 2201 Residential Leasing and Property Management Agreement
- TXR 2208 Notice Terminating Right of Occupancy
- TXR 2214 Request for Rental History
- TXR 2301 Independent Contractor Agreement for Sales Associate
Proposed New Forms
Below are the new forms being proposed. You can view the drafts and submit comments until May 6 on the Proposed New Forms page on shandongzhongyu.com.
- Commercial Listing Termination
- Referral Agreement Between Brokers
- Seller’s Disclosure Notice for Unimproved Property
- Notice of Termination Due to Casualty Loss
- Residential Tenant Estoppel Certificate
- Residential Lease Sight Unseen Addendum
- Tenant and Occupant Information
Question? What if I would like a change request on a form that is not listed. How can I submit my request?
You can email forms@texasrealtors.com.
I’m sensing that the email address shown above is not really set up to field questions at all, and perhaps just suggestions.
That email address is where you can submit any comments or suggestions on forms. If you have questions about the forms, please call the Legal Hotline at 800-873-9155.
I agree!!
Why are the Seller Net proceeds and Buyer estimation of closing costs being eliminated? I use the Seller Net proceeds all the time
It should be removed, that should be between escrow company and the parties . Your escrow companies should always be happy to provide 😊
I hope the Estimated Net on Sale is not eliminated! I use this form all of the time! Especially with listings with multiple offers which is very common now. I think relying on title company staff will cause unnecessary delays. Please don’t eliminate this form!
I agree, title companies are already swamped and making sure that we give information in a timely manner to our clients is really important.
Most title companies can provide a tool to calculate seller net proceeds.
Completely agree! Use it all the time.
The Seller Net proceeds is very helpful when presenting multiple offers. To rely on the Title company will not work. . I also use it when listing property and giving the Seller an idea on Estimated proceeds. Please don’t eliminate this form! I use it all the time
Please submit any comments to forms@texasrealtors.com.
A proposed TXR 1935 is Seller’s Estimated Net Proceeds, but I didn’t see a Buyer’s Estimated Net Proceeds.
I use “Alamo Title One” app to figure out my Buyer & Seller proceeds.
Please, Please! Leave the residential forms as they are. Constant changes are extremely frustrating to busy realtors! We would rather be showing property and taking listings than sitting in our office on Zoom classes to learn what the latest changes are.
can we get new form for commercial concerning right to terminate due to lender appraisal
Please submit comments or suggestions on forms to forms@texasrealtors.com.
Why would you add a sellers disclosure on vacant lots ? It’s land never occupied ??? Clients sometimes buy vacant lots at tax auctions so they can sell and make profit, they have little information on.
It is as important for a seller to disclose what he knows about a vacant land property as it is for the seller of any other property type. Many times, important info on vacant tract in can be difficult difficult or impossible to research. Disclosures can be positive & negative about a parcel. Full disclosure can actually expedite sales & reduce law suits. If an agent and seller both state they have no knowledge or additional information on the parcel they are marketing, I can’t help to think they are hiding something. I truly believe that being a good fiduciary… Read more »
What bothers me about this is it y’all have nothing else to do but to sit and find things and items that ARE working..changing these forms and make our lives more difficult when we’re out trying to make a living.
The person who wrote that about going back to school and zoom and all of that cost us money if we’re sitting in a classroom we’re not making money we’re trying to learn new forms which is really unnecessary after we just learn how to write perfect offers and contract s..
But in the long run, the new forms will keep you out of court and pay fees to defend yourself.
Unfortunately we live in a very litigious society these days, so TREC has to update the forms every year because someone somewhere filed a lawsuit that ended up in court over an issue that wasn’t covered on the current forms.. Most all the forms we use, and the paragraphs (and sub paragraphs) written within them were created because of lawsuits. If you want to blame someone blame the lawyers, and the people who hire them to file lawsuits..
Residential Tenant Estoppel certificate. Is that to be included with the tenant application?? Or to be included for tenant occupied properties under contract to sell? Need more information on this form and its use in residential transactions.
The Residential Lease Sight Unseen Addendum is great! Tenants accept the responsibility on leasing unseen due to relocation. Great form!
On the Tenant occupant form I believe there should be specifics for under age occupants ( children)
Where can we see what the proposed revisions are and see the proposed new forms?
Click the link that says Proposed New Forms page on shandongzhongyu.com.
I have been an active Real Estate Broker and appraiser for 38 years. 27 of those years have been in the great state of Texas. There are certainly agents who have been in this business much longer than I. And no doubt, there are agents who have had fewer years of experience but greater knowledge than I. When I first arrived in Texas and saw the real estate laws on the books, I was extremely thankful to be in a state that was so progressive towards preventing misunderstandings and irregularities in real estate transactions. I like very much that Texas… Read more »
In regard to the forms involving Leases and Management agreements. Please make the revisions and new forms effective or mandatory for use in the fall AFTER the busy leasing leasing season. Say, Sept. 1 of 2022. Updating forms and templates while we have dozens of lease listings, multiple new leases being signed, etc. adds not necessary work in the middle of the “busy” season for leasing.
Texas, please create a counter offer and a multiple counter offer.
Who would like to respond to these questions: 1) Why doesn’t the Third Party Financing Addendum have a section to address Down Payment Assistance? 2) If a Buyer’s agent has knowledge that a purchase will rely on Down Payment Assistance, is said agent required to disclose same to Seller, either in contract or otherwise? It seems to me that a Seller should have a right to know before signing a contract to sell. Thoughts?
After the comment period – when will the new forms be released (historically or approximately)?
New and revised forms are targeted for release in July
Thanks! 😉
When will the sellers disclosure notice for unimproved property be finalized? This form is much needed!